General Institutional Information

Privacy of Student Records — Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA or the Buckley Amendment) is a United States federal law codified at 20 U.S.C. §1232g,其实施条例见《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》第99部分第34篇. 该条例规定,接受由美国政府管理的项目资助的教育机构和机构. S. Department of Education must provide students with access to their education records, an opportunity to seek to have the records amended, and some control over the disclosure of information from the records. With several exceptions, schools must have a student’s consent prior to the disclosure of education records.

A few of the many exceptions are:

  • Schools may disclose, without consent, “directory” information such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance.
  • The disclosure is to parents, as defined in §99.3, of a dependent student, as defined in section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The term “dependent” means an individual over half of whose support, for the calendar year in which the taxable year of the taxpayer begins, was received from the taxpayer.

Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的残疾学生ADA合规计划提供高质量的服务, 为残疾学生提供合理及有效的协助,以提高他们的学业成绩, participation in educational programs, and quality of campus life. 大学支持在所有适用的联邦法律下为其社区成员提供保护, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, and Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. ADA办公室邀请所有有特殊需要的学生利用大学提供的支持服务, to enable them to reach their full academic potential. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜禁止歧视残疾学生,并为合格的残疾学生提供合理和适当的便利.

Student Diversity

In upholding integrity and equality, Saint Augustine’s University does not discriminate against any person based on race, ethnicity, age, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any other basis protected by law. For inquiries concerning non- discrimination policies, contact the Employee Relations/Affirmative Action Office at 919.516.4413.

Price of Attendance

View tuition and fees here →

Net Price Calculator


Please follow the link to view Saint Augustine’s University’s net price calculator →

Educational Information

View programs of study here →

Instructional Facilities

Academic Success

学术咨询中心通过学术咨询和干预为学生提供帮助,帮助他们实现自己的教育目标,帮助他们成功过渡到大学, and establish their place in college life. Advisors assist students with taking responsibility for learning how to set academic, career, and personal goals and the ability to develop strategies for achieving them. 顾问提供指导,帮助学生成功地满足所有要求,及时毕业. Advisors also assist with referrals and mentoring. 学术咨询中心为大学第一年的所有学生以及在第二年没有宣布专业的学生提供咨询. Students will meet with their academic advisor at least twice each semester. 学术咨询中心顾问与所有主要项目顾问密切合作,以确保学生获得全面的建议. The Academic Advising Center is located in the Delany Building, 2nd floor.

Student Advising Handbook →

Writing Center


Peer Tutors

Peer Tutors are available to supplement in-class instruction in most core classes.

Supplemental Instruction

补充指导(SI)为学生提供每周的复习课程,以学习历史上困难的课程. SI offerings vary each semester.

Library Services for All Students

The Prezell R. Robinson Library was named in honor of Dr. Prezell R. Robinson, then president of Saint Augustine’s College, on May 13, 1984. The Library serves as a gateway to a robust collection of online resources and services; provides on-site reference and collection development expertise, 并促进支持大学学术项目和研究需求的额外服务.

The mission of the Prezell R. Robinson Library is to provide informational resources, 满足大学和社区的教育目标和研究需求的服务和项目.

Scholarly resources at Saint Augustine’s University are located in the Prezell R. 罗宾逊图书馆,为大学和社区提供信息和研究服务. Equity of access is provided to the physical collection of books, magazines and audiovisual materials through an automated, online library system. 为图书馆用户提供使用在线图书馆系统和评估信息的培训.

The Library staff is comprised of information educators who prepare students, faculty and all users to be knowledgeable and creative information consumers.

The Prezell R. Robinson Library consists of three floors: Archives, Digital Learning and Traditional Library. The facility also contains seminar rooms with space for study groups and computer labs. 整个图书馆都是独立的书房和学习桌,最多可容纳500名学生.

The Library has more than 100,000 volumes that represent courses offered by the divisions of Business, Liberal Arts and Education, Natural Sciences and Mathematics and Social Sciences. The information resources are in many formats-prints, video/DVD and other audio recordings, Internet and NC LIVE. 大约有300种期刊提供支持四个学部的最新信息. About 30 newspapers of local, regional and national coverage are included.

The Prezell R. Robinson Library Hours of Operation

Regular Hours

  • SUNDAY | 1 p.m – 8 p.m.
  • MONDAY – THURSDAY | 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
  • FRIDAY | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

(This information is subject to change, please check the library page for the most up to date information.)

Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution and Programs

View accreditation information here →

Career and Job Placement Services

The 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜专业发展和职业服务中心的使命是使学生能够识别并最大限度地发挥他们所学知识与谋生方式之间的联系. Ultimately, it is crucial for students to self-manage their own lifetime career development. To that end, 专业发展及就业服务中心为学生提供全面的自我评估服务, skill identification, career exploration, decision-making, and career preparation and graduate school selection. Partnering with faculty, staff, 校友和雇主,我们寻求通过富有成效和令人满意的工作,引导学生在一个相互依存的世界中成为积极的公民. 

Financial Aid

Policies, Procedures, and Consumer Information

Detailed consumer information and financial aid procedures →

Health and Safety

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜致力于并长期致力于积极解决校园社区内的高风险饮酒和药物滥用问题. Saint Augustine’s takes pride in creating a campus that is a celebrative one. A campus not downgraded by the misuse of alcohol and drugs. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜在处理酒精问题时采用了减少危害和初级预防两种方法.

减少危害是一种公共卫生理念,旨在尽量减少酒精使用的危险和危害风险. Primary prevention works to prevent alcohol, other drug use, and abuse. Through the use of best practices, Saint Augustine’s promotes Student success programs. These programs promote responsible behavior around alcohol use including awareness, education, and compliance with campus policies and state and federal law. 圣奥古斯丁的目标是减少高风险饮酒及其对学生的负面影响. Saint Augustine’s University focuses on:

1. Offering and promoting social, recreational, extracurricular, and public service options that do not include alcohol and other drugs;

2. Creating a social, academic, and residential environment that supports healthy norms;

3. Restricting marketing and promotions of clubs, raves, other venues, and events that promote alcohol or drug use;

4. Enforce and develop campus policies by enforcing local, state, and federal laws relating to other drug use.

Vaccination Policies


All new, transfer, 重新入学的学生必须完成免疫接种记录,并将其提交给约瑟夫G. 每年7月15日前为戈登健康中心秋季入学,12月15日前为春季入学.

Please see the list below for required vaccinations:

  • Three (3) DPT vaccinations – last vaccine must be within 10 years of admission.
  • Two (2) MMR vaccinations.
  • Three (3) Polio vaccinations (for applicants under age 18 at time of admission).
  • Three (3) Hepatitis B vaccinations (if born after July 1, 1994)

Campus Security Policies, Crime Statistics and Crime Log


2018 Annual Security & Fire Safety Report →

Fire Safety Policies, Fire Statistics and Fire Log (On-Campus Housing Facilities)

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜非常重视消防安全,并通过教育不断改善其为圣奥古斯丁社区提供的项目, engineering and enforcement.

2018 Annual Security & Fire Safety Report →


Voter Registration

Saint Augustine’s University as a private university, complies with the National Voter Registration Act.

Saint Augustine’s University does not endorse candidates, take political stands, or endorse or oppose legislation. Voter registration forms are available online.

SAU students may be eligible to register and vote in Wake County, North Carolina. The deadline for voter registration in North Carolina is 25 days prior to an election.

The links below provide information on registering and voting in Wake County.